•The fact is, it does matter which real estate agent you list your home with.
It is important to have an
agent with the education, experience, and know how to anticipate problems,
avoid them or be able to handle them quickly in a professional manner,
should they occur - and to possess exceptional negotiating skills which can
convert a prospect to a buyer while obtaining the highest and best
price and terms for you. •You should select an agent based on their credentials and past track record. performance record for your review. •There’s more to selling a home than putting an ad in the newspaper and putting a sign in the yard.
Only 7% of qualified buyers
come from yard signs and only 8% from newspaper
ads. Most qualified buyers are generated by real estate agents through referrals, past customers and clients, and various proactive marketing activities. In other words, most buyers are generated from a pool of buyers who have been professionally nurtured and developed over time.
Pricing your home is not guesswork - it takes a qualified agent to help you determine the fair market value of your home.
Your home will sell
within a range of what similar homes are selling for.
And because every home is unique, your home will probably sell in either the high or low end of that range depending on its condition. You should receive a written, well-researched computerized market analysis to determine the realistic amount your home will bear in today’s market.
You benefit from having an agent who has a high number of listings.
Every listing is
another “billboard” which generates valuable buyer calls which
is the first step in developing a good working relationship between the buyer and agent. Inquiry calls, generated by a sign, ad or special marketing
promotion, are much
more likely to be converted to a sale when handled by
the listing agent or team member than by a “floor duty” agent.
•You get what you pay for with any agent.
discretionary costs - photos, brochures, listing service fees,
direct mail, signage, etc. are vital to getting the results you want but are the first thing to go with a “discount” broker. Does a discount broker have a staff to personally attend to your specific needs? ...Does he have a proven track record of success? ...Does he have the expertise to guide you through problems that may develop during the process? ...or, is he just using the discounted commission to win your business without all of the above.
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